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these音标,these are读


↓。υ。↓ 1、常见英文音标读法ei : ayway, say, play, pay, may, layairain, tail, pain, nail, painteythey, greyeieight,eabreak see t p weeki: : eaeat, clean, sea, , tea, teacher, lethese [ðiːz] adj. 这些的pron. 这些

"These" and "those" do start with thesame sound.It is a voiced th sound or[ð]in IPA.So①开音节/i:/ he,these,me,Chinese ②闭音节/e/ bed,let,pen,desk,yes,egg i ①开音节/aɪ/ bike,drive,time,nice,kite ②闭音节/ɪ/ fish,big,drink,sit,

these的音标为[ðiːz],中文意思是这些的,这些。例句:These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件不再适用。These flowers have no scent.这些花不香。these 英[ðiːz] 美[ði十二、音标/ʊ/外号“短乌音”词汇拓展:put [pʊt] book [bʊk] would [wʊd] woman [ˈwʊmən] good [gʊd] could [kʊd] 对应的字母:u-put oo-book o-woman ou-could

2. these 2. I've been teaching in Chinathesethree years. 三年来我一直在中国大陆教书。代词1. Women wantthesethings changed. 妇女想改变这种情况。2. These are herthese 你读读的时候就有些差别

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